What's your business growth strategy?

Owning and managing a business is time consuming. And balancing your workload with your ever-growing "to do" list of admin, sales and marketing tasks can be daunting.

A solid strategic plan will not only show us where we are at, and where we are headed, but HOW we can get there in the shortest time, with the least effort, whilst maintaining critical balance.
At Caladen, we provide powerful online 1-to-1 coaching, beginning with an obligation-free intro session which will uncover 3 - 6 months worth of opportunities for your business, no strings attached.


100% Fee Guarantee

1Success cannot be bought
To have the business and lifestyle that you deserve, it is yourself and your team that must put in the hard yards and navigate your enterprise to success.

At Caladen we do not sell success. What we do is work with you to help develop a strategic plan that will result in success.
We back up your plan with the knowledge, tools, perspective and accountability you need to successfully carry out your chosen strategy.

We guarantee our fees because the formula we use to help you develop your business strategy will be based on economic facts and tailored to get your specific numbers up to where you want them.
Finally, if we can't provide you with a plan to achieve your numbers whilst also covering our fees, then we'll tell you so, and provide you with as much free advice as we can, so that you can walk away with real value, at zero cost to you.

Are you the right fit?

Do you own or manage a small-to-medium business with real potential for growth? What is the ultimate goal for your business, and how are you planning to get there?

Or are you a fledgling startup with a great idea and an equal amount of passion, who's just taken the entrepreneurial leap? (If so, nice work!)

At Caladen we know what you're up against, and we understand how hard it is to get your job done when you're trying to balance sales and marketing too, let alone find time to do the books.

We know that the work day no longer finishes anywhere close to 5pm and above all else, we know that 24 hours in a day just simply is not enough time.

Luckily, we're also MBA trained and have access to all of the tools you'll need to balance your time, become more profitable and get your business to the point where you can work in it as much or as little as you choose.

Most importantly we know how to teach you these skills,
and we guarantee our fees because we refuse to be an expense.

Ben and I have worked together on mutual clients and also my business. His knowledge and practical approach to problem solving and achieving results as a coach and mentor is second to none. Would highly recommend him.
5 star review
Daniel Dugan
Daniel Dugan
Caladen goes above and beyond what you would expect from traditional business coaching. They combine real world experience with relevant and qualified theory to provide your company with the direction and purpose needed to position itself in the market. We have only seen positive growth using their services and will continue to recommend them to other business owners well into the future.
5 star review
Lewis Campbell
Lewis Campbell
Ben was absolutely amazing. Such insight on how to calculate what I should be charging for my time when seeing customers. Doesn't cut corners or colour the truth. I got straight up advice that i consider priceless & more valuable than the bill I paid for his time. If you think you need Ben... don't think too long, you could start making real money.
5 star review
Nathan Dobbins
Nathan Dobbins

Why work with Caladen?

If you were told that in 10 years from now your life will be exactly the same as it is today, you'd probably be disappointed. So don't be afraid of change… it's time to develop a strategic action plan! The fact is that right now you're on a pathway which leads to freedom. The freedom to spend your time, your money and your life in the way that you choose.

The pathway is by no means straight… in some parts it's all uphill, while other sections head downhill so steeply that you can barely keep up! But if there's one thing we must stress it is this: the pathway is exciting, it's an adventure, it's rewarding and it's uniquely yours.

You know where you've come from, you know what lies behind and you know what will be there waiting for you if you turn back around. You also know that the real prize lies ahead. So stay true to your pathway and don't look back, because you are never closer to your goal than the moment you stop walking toward it.


Get started today

Tell us a little about your business situation and we'll be in touch within 48 hours to let you know how Caladen can help.

We look forward to helping you pick up the pieces and develop a strategic plan to achieve your goals.

  • Talk to us, risk free.
  • We offer a 100% fee guarantee because we refuse to be an expense.
  • All dealings with Caladen are strictly confidential. We will not disclose your details to any third party without your express written consent.